How it works:
IMPORTANT INFO! We use the information you provide to research the land use codes for the zoning classification on your specific property to produce a feasibility report citing applicable codes, a compilation of applicable permit forms (if any), research on the property history, and to create a preliminary site plan drawing to document setbacks from property lines (where buildings are not allowed to be placed), the maximum % of the property that is allowed to be covered, and other factors. This feasibility report is intended to help you determine if you would like to move forward with the purchase of your Haus unit as well as the future permitting of the project (if required by your jurisdiction). Points to keep in mind:
The feasibility report is not the permit, it is not the work to get the permit, and the work to get permits and pay for permits is an additional fee (if required) if you choose to move forward beyond the feasibility phase.
We charge $500 for the non-refundable service to complete a feasibility report for you. The $500 fee becomes a non-refundable portion of your $2500 reservation deposit.
It is possible that we determine a lot is not buildable or practical to place a Microhaus unit upon.
It is possible that some lots may require extensive (expensive) site work including upgrades to septic systems, sewer systems, water lines, electrical service, curbs/sidewalks/streets, driveways, fire hydrants, environmental mitigation/stabilization, archaeological monitoring, soil studies, cooperation with neighborhood groups, and other unforeseen factors that could be costly.
Some factors in the feasibility report may require further determinations to be made by the building department or consulting engineers during the future permit processes, if required.
Building department requirements and their response rates are out of our control, but we endeavor to work expediently to obtain approvals (if required) when you are ready to commit to permitting (and that would be an additional service).
Microhaus is designed to be hooked up to water, sewage, and electricity. Hookups are quite similar to RV or motorhome connections (just plug the extension cord into a 30A outlet, plug into your home garden water hose, and connect the flexible sewage pump hose to any available sewage inlet. Local building departments may still require certain infrastructure to be installed prior to the installation of any structures on a property.
Although you may elect to install a Microhaus unit without a permit at your own risk, your local building department may still require permits depending on the specific provisions in your local land use code and specific characteristics of your property. If this is the case, you may be issued a citation and fines. The intent of the feasibility report is to determine if you are exempt from permits, and also what the requirements would be to install a Microhaus unit. Although a permit may not be required, it would still need to be installed according to your local rules. For example, in most jurisdictions, there is a 5’ minimum side yard setback from the property line, and a structure is actually not allowed to be placed in that space. Further, unless you have had a licensed surveyor perform a survey, nobody knows where the actual property line is located – and the fence is likely not exactly on the property line, metal rods are not necessarily the property line, telephone poles are not property line markers, and where your neighbor says the property line is located is not necessarily accurate. The feasibility report will help you understand the rules and risks, so you may make an educated decision on the placement of your unit.
Step 1: Once you complete the form below, we will coordinate with Haus on payment, and keep in mind that $500 of you $2500 deposit is nonrefundable.
Step 2: After about 3-4 weeks, once the report is complete, we will reach out to schedule a conference call to review the report with you.
Step 3: If the outcome of the feasibility report seems acceptable to you after the conference call, we can discuss steps for additional services, if necessary, to engage with any required engineers for the required design of any mandatory site preparations, foundation design, and any other specialists to begin the process for obtaining permit(s) for the work required to be done on site for an additional fee.